Steelcraft Toys
Steelcraft Bus, streamline design by Viktor Schreckengost for the New York & San Francisco Worlds Fairs. Limited production to 1939.
Steelcraft Bus, streamline design by Viktor Schreckengost for the New York & San Francisco Worlds Fairs. Limited production to 1939.
Steelcraft Bus showing nickel plated grille
Steelcraft Bus, streamline concept drawing by Viktor Schreckengost. This was for the New York & San Francisco Worlds Fairs in 1939.
Steelcraft Worlds Fair Bus in unusual color combination
Steelcraft City Delivery Box Truck, streamline design by Viktor Schreckengost, 1939.
Steelcraft City Delivery Box Truck, streamline design by Viktor Schreckengost, 1939.
Steelcraft City Delivery Box Truck rear view
Steelcraft Dodd's Dairy Truck
Steelcraft Dodd's Dairy Truck showing rear decal
Steelcraft Fro-Joy Ice Cream Truck
Steelcraft Fro-Joy Ice Cream Truck showing rear decal
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